Savage Ancient Seas® offers flexible booking options based on the square footage of your exhibit space and the length of exhibition time you would like to book. The exhibit is designed with modular displays, so if something doesn’t work for you or you don’t want to use the space, the total story still works. Bookings are made on a first-come, first-served basis. A 20% deposit and signed agreement secures your dates. Balance + inbound/outbound freight + insurance are required prior to installation by our technical staff. Savage Ancient Seas® must approve the amount of items and layout pattern proposed for your square footage.
All venues are a minimum of 12 weeks, and designed for the standard January, May, and September openings.
Our experienced personnel will perform installation and strike the exhibit with assistance from your staff.
Recommended minimum ceiling height is 14 feet. Absolute minimum height is10 feet.
Specimens can be mounted on the floor if the ceiling height is not high enough for hanging specimens.
Individual specimens are also available for rent for smaller venues. Please inquire for pricing of individual specimens.

Everyone who has booked the exhibit for three months wishes they booked a longer run!
3 Month Pricing
Pricing includes shipping and setup costs.
*Additional discounts available if booked with our other exhibit, Darwin & Dinosaurs.
**Prices listed are for exhibitions within the United States. Additional costs may be due if booked outside the United States.
6 Month Pricing
Pricing includes shipping and setup costs.
*Additional discounts available if booked with our other exhibit, Darwin & Dinosaurs.
**Prices listed are for exhibitions within the United States. Additional costs may be due if booked outside the United States.
Book Now
We have availability starting in September 2023. To inquire about booking Savage Ancient Seas® please fill out the form below, or contact Jacob at or 719-394-3212. We will be in touch shortly to continue the booking process. Please note, filling out this form or contacting Jacob is not a guarantee of booking.